
The Beginnings...

I have started a new blog as a part of the new chapter of life I have begun, 11 months ago.

Life has thus far been good to us. We both have jobs, a nice apartment, kitties, and each other.
I am currently reading a book about Abraham Lincoln, but the interesting aspect is that it is not solely based on our past president, honest Abe, but rather a few of his colleagues. It is quite remarkable to read of these great and aspiring men. I truly relate to them in multiple ways.

There is one man, Chase, who I can particularly relate to. He is tortured by his own ambitions and finds no satisfaction for his current success or past accomplishments. I too, being so caught up in what I desire rather than what I have, get trapped in endless woe. Though, through seeing Chase and the way his life plays out, I can choose now to live in the moment and from moment to moment. All the men in this book are quite inspirational on their rise to fulfill their dreams.

I am motivated by the determination of those men to learn even when all odds were against them. I have a very simple and relaxed way of life at this time, but find lack of pure productivity in it. I know that to fulfill my dream of becoming a Foreign Service Officer I must do as these men of the past have done - study, learn, and be persistent.

Munkhtur and I get along quite splendidly, we are both easy-going and have become more accustom to each others odd quirks. We both thoroughly enjoy the company of our darling kitties. Koob and Dex have quite the personalities. Those boys bring me so much joy and laughter. For now they are my children.

I am terribly torn on the subject of children. Of course I will have children, but at which point in time, I know not. Ideally I would want to be in working for the state department and have children once I am in, but life rarely plays out how you would want or expect it to. I know I must trust in the Lord that He has a great plan for me, which will satisfy my ambitious nature.

For now I believe this post is sufficient in concluding my thoughts.

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