
Family Weekend

This weekend we took the boys with us to Idaho.

The drive was excruciating. We got stuck in traffic and both boys were panting and antsy. It took us 5 hours when it usually takes about 2 1/2 hours. After finally arriving we took the boys outside. Dex, as usual hated being outside, while Koob loved it and climbed up a tree. Shawn had to climb up high to get him down. I enjoyed a four-wheeler ride I took with Karla. We saw a deer. :)

That night we watch Invictis. It was better than I had expected it to be. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sunday came and it was Maggie's baby blessing. It was beautiful. So many were in attendance. We had a large feast following church. It was great and delicious. It was delightful seeing the family.

We brought Karla home with us to SLC. We were greeted by a hypnotizing lightening storm. Karla and I spent the rest of the night watching Glee. Too funny...

Did I mention - I bore my testimony at church.... quite moving... i was in tears...

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