

Koob is from Logan. Everyone thought he was a girl first and we named him Elektra. His made his first professional career debut in Lion King movie. We will upload it shortly. She had purple eyes first. Later I discovered it was a boy and named him after Kublai Khan. His name is short for Koob or Kub, has many other alternative names. He is called Koobicana, Doodle or Kooby. Kooby loves outdoor. He is very skinny and has long legs and tail; well has long of everything.
He makes bird sound sometimes when he is frustrated or confused. He whines also to get out occasionaly. He has escaped couple of times from our old and new apartments. The first time with Dex through our open bedroom window, the second time on his own jumped out of the balcony. But he has not attempted to jump again. Maybe it was a high jump or he just gave up escaping. Koob is very picky about what he eats, he digs yogurt and milk. He did not like litter quiter kit first, but now he seems to have it mastered. Koob chases Jackson dog, he can scratch you whenever he wants. He also can open doors, who knows how; we locked him few times
in the bathroom and he has escaped it by openning the door. Kooby likes to play hide and seek, chasing games. When he is sitting he likes to pose like Sphinx statue. Koob jumps up on a fridge straight up. So if pressure is given he can prolly do 7 feet jump.

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