
Welcoming Spring

We just had great conference last weekend. I was able to translate Pres Monson, Richard G Scott, Elder Grow and conducting by Eyring. Last couple of weeks we have been going to Gym consistantly on Mon and Wed's and Friday i go to gym at work. Ashley has been doing Zumba. We also attended our friend Aaron's birthday party in Provo and also went to Indian place the week before. We also greeted spring with Indian festival of color. It was a lot of fun. We have been watching Netflix streaming service movies "Top Gear seasons 8-14" and documentaries on
China, Australia, Brazil, Italy etc. It has been great learning experience. Also we have been busy with our callings, ash performed korean drum at the ward talent night. Koob broke his cat house, now in desparate need of another one. So ya, end of March was busy.

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