
Here comes 2012: The Mayan calendar end and new beginning

Happy New Year!!! We had a wonderful year in 2011 in Murray. I got new position at work, still working on the work title something with IT. Ashley got her MBA from WGU within only one year. I still have 2 more semesters left after my current one. Our boys have gotten big. We had wonderful summer trip to Mongolia and Korea. This upcoming new year we will visit our parents in the Philippines. Since we are making it all the way down there in southeast Asia for the first time, we decided to go visit Thailand and Angkor wat of kingdom of Cambodia. This will be our highlights next year.

This year we got around to making Christmas cards. See them below. :)

We had to photoshop the cats in because they weren't very cooperative as you can imagine.

We had a good Christmas and spent New Years downtown watching fireworks with friends.

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