
Pearl Snatcher

Hello World, (that was the first program I wrote, hehe)
I am just now recovering from a killer cold. Not fun, but part of life. I am feeling much better now and luckily I don't think I have made anyone else sick. I am starting my MBA classes and am excited. It is great to be able to get my MBA while working full-time and with discounted tuition.

I just finished reading "Three Cups of Tea" and thoroughly enjoyed it. Read it, if you are looking for an inspirational humanitarian. My book club, which was originally my Foreign Service Officer Test study group, is now becoming a book/cultural food club. We have decided we will go out to eat at places that relate to the book we are reading. Sounds exciting. :) I really love my FSO/Book and Food Club girls. We should be starting another book soon, but in the mean time I am reading "Ten Day MBA" for school.

We are doing well with our jobs and enjoying living so close to work. It is still way too cold here in SLC. I can't wait till the weather warms up.

I want to share a video of Dexy that I quickly put together. It is cute, so enjoy...

He actually steals my pearls. I am looking for them currently because he has hid them from me. That silly doodle.

Well, I will leave you with this great picture of 2 of my boys.

1 comment:

  1. Excited for you to start your MBA program! I will show the video of the cats to the kids. I am sure they will love it!
